Itzikovich family
Lithuanian: Icikovicius
Other spellings: Itzikovitz, Itsykovich, Ichikovitz, Ichikovich, Itzikowitz, Echikovitz,
shortened to Kovitz and Covitz in North America.
► See also • Tales from Trashkun, stories of the Itzikovich family
• Memories of Dov Ber Ichikovich & Family VIDEO by Selwyn Bolel
The earliest known Itzikovich family member is Binyomin Itzikovich. Census records show that he lived in Trashkun in 1784, along with his wife Rachel (Rochl), and his name is included in an Inventory of Trashkun Property Owners in 1810. We do not know the relationship between Binyomin Itzikovich and Orel Itzikovich.
Orel (Oren, Aharon) Itzikovich was born ~1830, possibly in Rogeve (Raguva), and was married to Feyga, born in 1836. Orel died in or before the year 1886. Feyga died in Trashkun in 1899.
The four known children of Orel and Feyge Itzikovich:
I. Beyla Tsuvia Itzikovich was born in 1854 in Trashkun and married Moyshe Shneider, born in Aniksht (Anyksciai) in 1851, son of Nosn and Chaya. Moyshe was a brickmaker and owned a wooden house. During World War I, when Jewish families were evacuated to the east, Beyla's family lived in St. Petersburg, Russia. They returned to Trashkun in 1921. Beyla died on 22 December 1925. Moyshe died on 31 December 1938.
DOCUMENT Pages from internal passport of Moyshe Shneider, showing his wife's name (1921)
DOCUMENT Certificate permitting the family to return to Lithuania after their expulsion during World War I (1921)
- The two known children of Beyla (Itzikovich) and Moyshe Shneider:
- Sora Shneider was born in Trashkun in 1881. She married a man whose surname was Karp (son of Moshe), and she died in Trashkun on 13 February 1936.
- Pesha Shneider was born in Trashkun in 1895. On 15 June 1930 she married Leyzer Notelevich, a shoemaker and a widower, born in Malat (Moletai) in 1887. Leyzer's parents were Efroim and Etel (née Karabelnik) of Rogeve (Raguva).
II. Fayvl Mendl (Fayvish Shraga Menachem) Itzikovich was born in 1856. He lived in Trashkun but was registered in Rogeve. Fayvl was a shoemaker and also served as the town's unofficial doctor (feldsher). He married Yochved Shevtsovich, born 1859 in Trashkun, daughter of Rivke and Gershon Shevtsovich. Fayvl died in Trashkun on 6 June 1922, and Yochved died in Superior, Wisconsin on 8 March 1940.
- PHOTO Fayvl Itzikovich
PHOTO Fayvl Itzikovich (older)
PHOTO Yochved (Shevtsovich) Itzikovich
PHOTO Fayvl and Yochved with children (1910)
PHOTO Yochved's departure from Trashkun (1927)
PHOTO Yochved with relatives in Duluth, Minnesota (1937)
PHOTO Gravestone of Fayvl Itzikovich
PHOTO Gravestone of Yochved Itzikovich/Kovitz
DOCUMENT Internal passport application of Fayvl Itzikovich (1920)
DOCUMENT Internal passport application of Yochved Itzikovich (1920)
DOCUMENT Yochved's passport (probably 1927) - The ten children of Fayvl Itzikovich and Yochved (Shevtsovich):

Sarah Itzikovich
Karp, ~1960
- Sarah (Sora Malka) Itzikovich was born in Trashkun on 15 May 1882. In 1906 she married Morris Karp, born in 1885, possibly from the same family as the man who married her cousin Sora Shneider Karp. Sarah had four children, only one of whom survived. After her husband's death in 1915, Sarah and her son emigrated to the US, arriving in New York on 28 July 1921. On 1 February 1922 they moved to Chicago, Illinois, where Sarah worked as a seamstress in a sewing factory. She died in Chicago on 1 September 1973.
DOCUMENT Sarah (Itzikovich) Karp's petition for US citizenship (1927)
PHOTO Sarah with sisters-in-law Tillie Berg, Freda Rifkin, and Libby Kovitz
PHOTO Sarah Karp and others at the wedding party of Victoria Kovitz (1951)
PHOTO Sarah Karp with three Itzikovich siblings and families (~1960) - Harry (Orel, Aharon) Karp (later Carp) was born in Trashkun on 12 August 1911, and emigrated to Chicago with his mother in 1921. On 3 July 1957 he married Donna Mae Weltzin (born 3 June 1934 in Maynard, Iowa; died 17 August 2005 in Denver, Colorado). Harry Carp died on 17 May 1977 in Clinton, Iowa.

Pesl Itzikovich
Pesl (Sheyna Pesha) Itzikovich was born in Trashkun 1882, married, and did not emigrate. It is not known whether she had children. She died in 1940.

Velve Itzikovich
Velve (Wulf) Zalman Itzikovich was born in Trashkun in 1883. In 1901, at age 18, he moved temporarily to Subotsh (Subačius) to apprentice as a shoemaker with members of the extended Itzikovich family. Velve married Raya Leah Rapaport, who was born in Aniksht (Anykščiai), daughter of Movshe Uri Rapaport and Musha Karpuch. Velve/Wulf is mentioned in an account of the 1915 pogrom in Trashkun. He was the only son of Fayvl and Yochved who did not emigrate. Raya died in Trashkun on 21 December 1927. The date and circumstances of Velve's death are unknown.
PHOTO Velve and others bid goodbye to Itzikovich family members emigrating to Canada (1927)
- The four known children of Velve Itzikovich and Raya Rapaport:
- Feyga Muska Itzikovich, born in Trashkun in 1904. On 19 December 1933 she married Berel Markus, born in Utena (Utyan), son of Chaim Leybe Markus and Reyza Margol. The date and circumstances of their deaths are unknown.
Hirshke Itzikovich, born in Trashkun in 1905, became a shoemaker like his father. His job was to prepare the leather. Hirshke was among the first Jews in Trashkun to be murdered by Lithuanians in 1941. He is buried in the mass grave at Trashkun's Old Jewish Cemetery. (Read more about Hirshke.)
- Ruvke Itzikovich, born in Trashkun between 1906 and 1908, worked with his brothers and father as a shoemaker. Ruvke was killed along with his brother in 1941 and buried in the mass grave at the Old Jewish Cemetery.
- NOTE: Hirshke's murder is described by Itzhak Konkurovich. Both Hirshke and Ruvke are named by Berl Glezer (memoir Part I and Part II) and Miriam Shumacher Krakinowski (video) in their accounts of the first wave of atrocities in the summer of 1941.
- Moyshe Itzikovich was born in Trashkun in 1909. He became a shoemaker like his father and brothers. The date and circumstances of his death are unknown.
PHOTO Moyshe Itzikovich (1931)
DOCUMENT Moyshe Itzikovich letter requesting internal passport (1930)
DOCUMENT Moyshe Itzikovich internal passport application (1931)
Orel (Aharon) Itzikovich, later Harry Barr, was born in Trashkun on 26 May 1886. As a young man, he moved temporarily to Dusetos to apprentice as a shoemaker with members of the extended Itzikovich family. In ~1905, he married Rina (Rose) Bar/Barr, daughter of Moshe Leyb Yehuda Bar. Upon emigrating to the U.S. in 1907, Orel took his wife's maiden name as his surname. He settled in Superior, Wisconsin, where he had a shoe business on Tower Ave. Rina and their first child joined him in 1912, and they had three more children. They eventually retired to Chicago. Harry died in Chicago on 4 February 1963, and Rina died in 1966.
PHOTO Harry Barr with three Itzikovich siblings, Rina, and extended family (~1960)

Sarah (Barr)
Charnis, ~1960
- The four children of Harry and Rina Barr:
- Sarah Barr Siegel Charnis, was born in Lithuania in 1906. She married Isadore Siegel, and after his death married Charles Charnis. Sarah died in Northbrook, Illinois, on 8 March 2003.
PHOTO Sarah Barr Charnis with parents and extended family (~1960)

George Barr

Michael Barr
- George Barr was born in Wisconsin in 1912. Trained as a chemist, he lost a leg in an automobile accident in 1935, after which he made it his mission to employ people with disabilities. In 1951, he was presented the President's Trophy on the occasion of "National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week" (now National Disability Employment Awareness Month). In 1976, he helped fund the Barr-Harris Children’s Grief Center, a clinic in Chicago for the treatment of bereaved children. George Barr died in Chicago, Illlinois, on 11 November 1989.
DOCUMENT Newspaper article about George Barr's company (1944)
DOCUMENTS George Barr is honored by President Truman (Truman Papers, 1951; New Outlook, 1952)
PHOTO George Barr with parents and extended family (~1960) - Michael (Manis/Munis) Barr was born in Superior, Wisconsin, in 1913. He married Bernice, and they had a son and a daughter. Michael died in Park Ridge, Illinois, in 1992.
PHOTO Michael Barr with parents and extended family (~1960) - Helen (Hinda) Barr Wexler, born in Superior, Wisconsin, 1916; died in New Windsor, New York, in 1989.

Joe Echikovitz
Joe (Yosl, Yosef Leyzer) Itzikovich, later Joe Echikovitz, was born in Trashkun on 15 August 1887. He emigrated in 1906, and in ~1911 he married Sarah Kusnar, who was born in 1888. They lived in Duluth, Minnesota; in Superior, Wisconsin; and later in Chicago, Illinois. Joe was in the grocery business and later in real estate. Sarah died in Chicago on 11 April 1956. Joe died in Green Lake, Wisconsin, on 23 April 1982.
PHOTO Joe, Sarah, and their adult children Mitchell and Lillian at the wedding party of Victoria Kovitz (1951)
PHOTO Joe Echikovich and extended family, including three Itzikovich siblings (~1960)
PHOTO Joe Echikovitz with two of his brothers
- The four children of Joe Echikovitz and Sarah Kusnar:
- Mitchell Echikovitz was born on 3 April 1912 in Duluth, Minnesota. He married Sophie Mesojedec, and he died on 12 January 2000 in Green Bay, Wisconsin.
DOCUMENT Newspaper article features Mitchell Echikovitz (1944)
PHOTO Mitchell and Sophie among others at the wedding party of Victoria Kovitz (1951) - Florence Echikovitz was born in 1915 in Duluth, Minnesota. She died of pneumonia in 1920.
PHOTO Gravestone of Florence Echikovitz

Lillian (Echikovitz)
Gould, ~1960
- Lillian Echikovitz was born on 3 February 1920 in Superior, Wisconsin. She married Sam Gould, and they had three sons. Lillian died in Sun City, Arizona, in 2005.
PHOTO Lillian, her husband Sam Gould, and others at the wedding party of Victoria Kovitz (1951)
PHOTO Lillian Gould with father and extended family (~1960) - Edward (Eddie) Kovitz was born on 3 June 1922 in Superior, Wisconsin. He married Frieda. Eddie enlisted in the US Army Air Corps on 20 July 1942. On 8 June 1943, he died as an aviation cadet in a plane crash near Eureka, Texas.
DOCUMENTS • PHOTO Newspaper reports of Edward Kovitz' death and photo of his gravestone
Leybe (Yehuda Leybe) Itzikovich, later Leon Kovitz and finally Louis Kovitz, was born in Trashkun on 28 April 1890. He trained as a tailor and emigrated to the US in 1910 with his younger brother Hilke. (Read about Leybe in Tales from Trashkun.) In 1913 he married Leah (later Lena) Zetcher, born in Pushelat (Pušalotas) in 1893, the youngest daughter of Miriam Zetcher and Bentzl Chait (who took his wife's surname). Leybe and Leah settled in Superior, Wisconsin. They ran a grocery store which Leybe (now Louis) bought from his brother Joe. Louis died on 30 April 1970, and Leah died on 29 July 1977, both in Morton Grove, Illinois.
PHOTO Leybe/Louis Kovitz
PHOTO Leybe/Louis Kovitz with family
PHOTO Kovitz Grocery
DOCUMENT Leon Kovitz certificate of US citizenship (1939)
- The four children of Leybe/Louis Kovitz and Leah/Lena Zetcher:
- Benjamin Kovitz was born 22 December 1913 in Superior, Wisconsin. On 20 October 1938 he married Miriam Gershman (1916-2010), and they had four children. Benjamin died in San Bernardino, California, on 28 May 2008.
- Ruth (Rochel) Kovitz was born 26 August 1917 in Duluth, Minnesota. On 9 November 1952 she married Myron (Mike) Ellin (1922-2005). They had two daughters. Ruth died in Morton Grove, Illinois, on 4 April 2016.
PHOTO Ruth Kovitz shortly before entering the US Navy
PHOTO Ruth Kovitz Ellin among others at the wedding party of Victoria Kovitz (1951) - Miriam Kovitz was born 14 December 1919 in Duluth, Minnesota. She married Clarence Cohn (1916-1988), and they had one son. Miriam died in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, on 17 October 2010.
- Frances (Fran) Kovitz was born 7 January 1923 in Duluth, Minnesota. She married Stanley G. Bubley (1922-1989), and they had one daughter. Fran died in Brewster, New York, on 24 November 2019.
PHOTO Fran visiting her cousins and aunt and uncle (~1939)
PHOTO Fran with her cousins Frank and Vicki Kovitz (~1939)

Mary Kovitz
Hilke (Chaim Hillel) Itzikovich, later Louie/Louis Kovitz, was born in Trashkun on 15 September 1891, and emigrated to Superior, Wisconsin, in 1910 with his older brother Leyb. On 16 March 1914 in Chicago, Illinois, he married Mary Kikhel Cohen, who was born in Trashkun on 1 September 1894, daughter of Dvora (Dvera) Boyer and Chaim Boruch Kikhel,[NOTE]Mary's mother remarried after her first husband (Chaim Kikhel) died, hence Mary's extra surname Cohen. and emigrated to the U.S. in 1912. Louie died in Chicago on 11 March 1962, and Mary died in Glenview, Illinois, on 25 August 1984.
PHOTO Louie/Hilke Kovitz (undated)
PHOTO Louie/Hilke Kovitz (undated)
PHOTOS Louie/Hilke and his wife Mary, Mary's mother & brother
PHOTO Louie/Hilke with two brothers, his mother, and other relatives in Duluth, Minnesota (1937)
PHOTO Louie/Hilke at the wedding party of Victoria Kovitz (1951)
PHOTO Louie/Hilke with three Itzikovich siblings, his wife Mary, and extended family (~1960)
- The three children of Louie/Hilke Kovitz and Mary Cohen:
- Jack (Jacob, Yankl, Yakov) Kovitz, born in Chicago, Illinois, on 9 December 1914. He married Anita, who was born 18 December 1916. Anita died on 6 November 1986, and Jack died on 27 September 1995, both in Pinellas, Florida.
PHOTO Anita and Jack Kovitz - Philip (Fayvl) B. Kovitz was born 4 June 1927 or 1928 in Chicago, Illinois. He married Josephine (Jo) Frieda Ray (born 31 January 1930). They had a son and a daughter. Philip died on 6 April 1981 in Morton Grove, Illinois.
PHOTO Philip and Jo (Josephine Ray) Kovitz - Sonia (Sheyna Hinda) Kovitz was born in Chicago, Illinois, on 20 October 1932. On 24 August 1955 she married William Crost, and they had four children. William died in Illinois in January 2016.

Reuven Itzikovich
Roy Kovitz
Roy (Reuven Shaul) Itzikovich, later Roy Kovitz, was born in Trashkun between 1892 and 1896, and emigrated to the U.S. in 1913. In 1917, he was a leather worker in Chicago. On 23 May 1926 in Manhattan, New York, Roy married Clara Krell, who was born ~1905 in Romania and emigrated with her family in 1921. Roy and Clara lived in Manhattan and the Bronx, New York. Roy died in Jamaica, Queens, New York, in May 1984. Clara died in Queens, New York, on 19 January 1989.
DOCUMENT Roy Kovitz draft card (1917)
PHOTO Roy Kovitz and Clara Krell wedding (1926)
PHOTO Roy Kovitz and his wife Clara
PHOTO Roy with two brothers, his mother, his older son, and other relatives in Duluth, Minnesota (1937)
- The two children of Roy Kovitz and Clara Krell:
- Philip (Shraga Menachem) Kovitz was born in New York in 1927. He married and had one daughter. Philip died in New York in 2008.
PHOTO Philip as a boy, visiting relatives in Duluth, Minnesota (1937) - Sheldon (Chaim Shlomo Zev) Kovitz was born in New York 1937. He married Carol Schartenberg, and they had seven children.
Daniel Itzikovich, later Daniel Kovitz, was born in Trashkun in 1896. On 21 March 1924 in Trashkun he married Elka (later Elsie) Kovalski Yakobson, who was born in Leliunai in 1901, daughter of Sholem Yakobson and Libe Ita of Leliunai. Daniel emigrated to the U.S. ~1930 and worked as a shoemaker in Chicago. On 8 February 1937, his wife Elka, her mother Liba, and her children Seymour and Beverly arrived in the U.S. to join Daniel. Daniel died in Chicago in September 1974.
PHOTO Daniel Itzikovich (1920)
PHOTO Daniel's wife, Elka Yakobson Itzikovich (1920)
PHOTO Daniel Kovitz with two of his brothers
DOCUMENT Daniel Kovitz naturalization record (1934)
- The four children of Daniel Kovitz and Elka/Elsie Yakobson:
- Feyga Menucha Kovitz, born in Trashkun in 1924. She died in Trashkun at the age of two on 4 February 1926.
- Seymour (Sholom Ber) Kovitz was born in Trashkun on 22 February 1927 and emigrated to the US in 1937.
- Beverly (Kenta Beyla) Kovitz was born in Trashkun in 1928 and emigrated to the US in 1937. On 12 April 1950 she married Paul Nathan. Beverly died in 1979.
- Marilyn (Mariasha) Kovitz Zazove, born in the United States after 1937.

Bentzl Itzikovich
Ben Kovitz
Bentzl (Bentzion) Itzikovitz, later Ben Kovitz, was born in Trashkun 1897 and married Libka (Libby) Berk on 22 July 1921. Libke was born in Trashkun in 1900. Bentzl emigrated to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada in 1926, and his wife and first son joined him a year later, along with his mother Yochved. The family later moved to Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Ben died on 8 February 1985, and Libby died on 23 August 1985, both in Toronto.
DOCUMENT Bentzl Itzikovich application for internal passport (1920)
PHOTOS Bentzl with his mother Yochved, his wife Libka, and children
PHOTO Ben with wife Libby, younger son and daughter, and niece (~1939)
PHOTO Ben with two brothers, his mother, and other relatives in Duluth, Minnesota (1937)
PHOTO Ben Kovitz with his son David and his brothers-in-law Frank Berg and Harry Rifkin (1946)
PHOTO Ben and relatives at the wedding party of his daughter Victoria Kovitz (1951)
- The three children of Bentzl/Ben Kovitz and Libka/Libby Berk:
- Dovid Mendel Itzikovich, later David Kovitz, was born in Trashkun on 22 July 1921. He came to Canada as a child in 1927. In 1945 he married Muriel Libin, who was born on 20 February 1926 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They had three children. David died on 26 February 1992 in Calgary. Muriel died on 30 May 2021 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
PHOTO David Kovitz with his father and two uncles, Frank Berg and Harry Rifkin (1946)
PHOTO David and his wife Muriel among others at the wedding party of Victoria Kovitz (1951) - Frank (Shmuel Fayvl) Kovitz, born in Winnipeg, Canada, in 1928. On 3 February 1963 he married Joan Boyd, and they had three children. Frank died in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, on 17 March 2022.
PHOTO Frank Kovitz as a boy, visiting relatives in Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada
PHOTO Frank Kovitz with his parents, sister, and cousin Fran (~1939)
PHOTO Frank Kovitz with his sister Vicki and cousin Fran (~1939)
PHOTO Frank Kovitz and others at the wedding party of Victoria Kovitz (1951) - Victoria/Vicki (Vikhna) Kovitz was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, in 1929. In 1951 she married Sidney Jacobs, and they had one daughter. Vicki died in Toronto on 10 April 1986.
PHOTO Vicki Kovitz with her parents, brother, and cousin Fran (~1939)
PHOTO Vicki Kovitz with her brother Frank and cousin Fran (~1939)
PHOTO Wedding party of Victoria Kovitz and Sidney Jacobs (1951)
III. Binyomin (Bine) Yosef Itzikovich was born in Trashkun ~1864. He married Sheyna Rivka Skudovich, born in Trashkun in 1866, daughter of Abram and Vichna Skudovich. Binyomin was elected unanimously to the City Council in 1911. (Read about Binyomin and Sheyna Rivka in Tales from Trashkun.)
PHOTO Binyomin Itzikovich (1920)
PHOTO Sheyna-Rivka (Skudovich) Itzikovich
DOCUMENT Binyomin Itzikovich internal passport application (1920)
DOCUMENT Sheyna-Rivka (Skudovich) Itzikovich internal passport application (1920)
- The two children of Binyomin Itzikovich and Sheyna Rivka Skudovich:

Vichna Shmit
Dov Ber (Berel) Itzikovich, later Barnett Ichikovich, was born in Trashkun in 1889. On 26 August 1919 in Ponevezh (Panevėžys) he married Chane-Golda Yuzent of Trashkun, born ~1897, daughter of Zussman Leyb Yuzent and Sheyne Shapiro (both were born in 1868 and died in 1936). Dov Ber was a trader in silver spoons. He emigrated to Winburg, South Africa, in 1925, followed two years later by his wife and daughter. (Read about Dov Ber in Tales from Trashkun.) Chane-Golda died on 31 July 1974, Dov Ber on 30 September 1980, both in South Africa.
PHOTOS Dov Ber (Barnett) Ichikovich and his family
DOCUMENT Berel Itzikovich internal passport application (1920)
DOCUMENT Barnett Ichikovich's South African passport (undated)
- The child of Dov Ber Ichikovich and Chana Golda Yuzent:
- Fanny (Feyga Masha Chaya) Ichikovich was born in Ponevezh (Panevėžys) on 15 January 1922, and emigrated to South Africa in 1927. In Johannesburg, South Africa, she married Issy (Yisroel Eliyohu) Bolel, who was born in Rogeve (Raguva) in 1920, son of Chaim Leyb and Pesha. The Ichikovich and Bolel families had met during World War I, when both families had been expelled from Lithuania into the interior of Russia. Fanny and Issy had two sons. Issy died on 14 January 1990, Fanny on 31 December 1991, both in Johannesburg.
Vichna Itzikovich was born in Trashkun ~1904. On 15 August 1924 in Trashkun she married Eliash Shmit, who was born in Trashkun in 1885, son of Mendl and Sora Shmit. Vichna, Eliash, and their children were killed in the Holocaust in 1941.
PHOTO Vichna as a child with her aunt, uncle and cousins (1910)
PHOTO Vichna Itzikovich (1920)
- The two children of Vichna Itzikovich and Eliash Shmit:
- Feyga Shmit, born 7 October 1928 in Ponevezh; killed in the Holocaust in 1941.
- Reyna Shmit, born 19 April 1930 in Trashkun; killed in the Holocaust 1941.

Zussman Kovitz
or Covitz

Brynna (Bessie)
(née Rubin)
IV. Zussman Itzikovich, later Zussman Kovitz (or Covitz), was born in Trashkun on 4 March 1868. In 1894 he married Brynna/Brayna (Bessie) Rubin, born in Trashkun in 1873. After their two oldest children emigrated to the United States, Zussman emigrated in 1911, followed by Brynna and their remaining five children in 1912. At immigration, Zussman was given the name Jacob Kovitz but never used the name Jacob, and most of his children changed Kovitz to Covitz when they became U.S. citizens. The family settled in Chelsea, Massachusetts. Zussman was a cobbler and bootmaker. Brynna died in 1944, and Zussman died in 1958. (Read about Zussman in Tales from Trashkun.)
PHOTOS Zussman Kovitz with family members
DOCUMENT Passenger list of S.S. Adriatic, showing immigration of Zussman Itzikovich (1911)
DOCUMENT Passenger list of S.S. Laconia, showing immigration of Brynna and five children (1912)
DOCUMENT Zussman Itzikovich application for citizenship (1942)
- The seven children of Zussman Kovitz and Brynna Rubin:
Arthur Covitz was born as Asher Itzikovich in Trashkun in 1892. In 1903 or 1904, he emigrated with his mother's younger sister Esther Ella (Annie in the US) and her husband Shlioma Portnoy (Samuel Paul in the US), and they settled in Chelsea, Massachusetts. He married Sarah (Sadie) Salter, born in Russia in 1897, and the couple had no children. Arthur died in 1957.
PHOTO Arthur Covitz
Joseph Covitz was born as Dov Itzikovich in Trashkun in 1894. He emigrated to the U.S. in 1910, and married Sarah Zaff, born in Massachusetts in 1903. He died in Chelsea, Massachusetts, in 1974.
PHOTO Joe and Sara (Zaff) Covitz with family members
- The three children of Joseph Covitz and Sarah Zaff:
- Merrill (Meir Leyb) Covitz, born in Massachusetts in 1926, died in Florida in 2004.
- Stuart (Shmuel Yehuda) Covitz, born in Massachusetts in 1929.
- Morton (Moshe Reuven) Covitz, born in Massachusetts in 1938.
Eva Covitz was born as Vichna Itzikovich in Trashkun on 20 November 1899, and emigrated to the U.S. in 1912 with the rest of her family. On 10 January 1921 in Chelsea, Massachusettes, Eva married Myer Rosenthal, who was born in ~1893 in Lithuania, outside of Vilna. Eva died in Boston on 30 January 1985.
PHOTO Eva Covitz engagement photo (~1920)
PHOTO Eva Covitz Rosenthal with her father Zussman Covitz

The children of Eva & Myer Rosenthal
- The four children of Eva Covitz and Myer Rosenthal:
- Phillip (Fayvl, Phivie) Rosenthal was born 9 May 1923 in Chelsea, Massachusetts. He married Marion Serlick and they had two sons. Phillip died on 15 Oct 2003 in Boynton Beach, Florida.
- Herbert J. (Yehuda/Yudel, Yoodie) Rosenthal was born in Massachusetts on 10 July 1924. He married Rosalind Wexler, and they had a daughter and a son. Herbert died in Massachusetts on 11 December 2014.
- Marjorie (Margie) Rosenthal was born in Maine in 1929. She married Stanley Stillman, who was born in Granby, Connecticut in 1920. They had two daughters. Stanley died on 30 November 1979. Marjorie died on 18 December 2015 in Sharon, Massachusetts.
- Betty Rosenthal was born on 1 July 1931 in Waterville, Maine. She married Robert Mendelson and they had two daughters. Robert died on 1 June 2020.
Abraham Kovitz, twin brother of Fannie (below), was born as Nosn Itzikovich in Trashkun on 1 June 1900 or 1902, and emigrated with his parents in 1912. He married Marion David, born 25 May 1905. Abraham died on 20 October 1977, and Marion died on 25 June 1999. The two children of Abraham Kovitz and Marion David:
- Marshall (Moshe Godol) Kovitz
- Sheldon Brian (Shmuel Berl) Kovitz
Fannie Covitz, twin sister of Abraham, was born as Feyga Itzikovich in Trashkun on 1 June 1900 or 1902, and emigrated with her parents in 1912. On 15 March 1931 in Roxbury, Massachusetts, she married David Melamed, who was born in Budzyn, Poland, in October 1900. David died in Boston in 1996, and Fannie died there in 1999.
PHOTOS Fannie Covitz with friend, Fannie's engagement photo
DOCUMENT Fannie Covitz Melamed's application for citizenship (1939)
- The child of Fannie Covitz and David Melamed:
- Ina Melamed was born born 22 November 1932. She married Aaron Kornetsky, who was born 1 June 1931 and died on 13 January 1982. Later, Ina married Pinhas Hillel Langermann, who was born 10 October 1924 in Berlin, Germany. Hillel died on 3 May 2004.
PHOTO Ina Melamed with her fiancé Aaron Kornetsky and other family members in Chelsea, Massachusetts
Freda Covitz was born as Frida Itzikovich in Trashkun on 17 July 1907, and emigrated with her parents in 1912. She did not marry, and died in Suffolk County, Massachusetts, on 2 September 1993.

Sally Covitz
Segal (1996)
Sally Covitz was born in Trashkun as Sora Rivka (Sorifka) Itzikovich on 15 November 1910 and emigrated with her parents in 1912. She married Robert Segal, who was born in Massachusetts. Robert died on 3 May 1998, and Sally died on 11 October 1999, both in Brockton, Massachusetts.
PHOTO Sally Covitz Segal with her husband Robert at her grandson's engagement party (1996)
- The two children of Sally Covitz and Robert Segal:
- Stephen Segal
- Martin Segal
PHOTO Friends and relatives bid goodbye to Itzikovich family members emigrating to Canada (Trashkun, 1927).
PHOTOS Unidentified Itzikovich family photos
Send us corrections, additional information, photos, or a link to your family's genealogy site.