The idea to gather information about the Jewish community in Edelény before 1944
was born from the desire to honor first the memory of the grandparents, aunts, uncles
and cousins who were murdered in the extermination camps, and second to honor our
mothers and fathers whose memories and tales of Edelény kept this shtetl and the
relatives we couldn't know, alive in our imagination.
In the family histories we have recorded what we remember about our fathers
and mothers recounting their growing up in Edelény. Their childhood memories became
also ours, albeit incomplete and sketchy. And so, like all remembrances, each one
may bear the differences that each individual memory captured.

1998 map of Edelény
Some helpful links:
JewishGen Locality Page
View Edelény via Edelény homepage
County of Borsod (where Edeleny is located)
View Edelény via Google